Wading in the Water

There were times as a child I remember having no inhibitions or even too much fear because, I guess until I got really hurt for the first time, I didn’t know what physical pain or emotional pain felt like, so I just dove into what I was doing.

Of course, as I got older, that definitely changed, and I started limiting myself to safer choices to some extent. This also influenced how I lived my life and the people I chose to hang around with, the things I experienced. Now don’t get me wrong; wise, moral, and safe choices are good, very good, but on some things how do we know that it wouldn’t be a wonderful experience if we just dove in?!

Yes, common sense is to be used, sometimes research is wise and knowing the situation & people we are about to do these things with, which also comes into play. What about those things we know won’t hurt ourselves or anybody else and it takes giving ourselves freedom to do these things.

Have you figured out yet some of these things I might be talking about? Some might take a little effort, a little time and sometimes a little planning - yes, away from what you feel is important!!

Smile at a stranger, have a chat in the grocery line, remember a loved one with a call or a text or WOW, even a visit. These things might not make your day, but it will feel good when you make somebody else’s.

NOW, here is the part where it might take a little more effort and convincing - TIME FOR YOURSELF. Even if it is just 15 to 30 minutes a week - I promise it will make your soul sing. That thing that always made you stop, smile, sing, dance and let loose.

Sometimes I roll down my window (even in 50-to-60-degree weather, turn on my heater) in the car and turn up my music loud and sing at the top of my lungs.

“Letting go” for ourselves seems to have gotten so hard when we are workaholics or feel guilty that we are not doing something productive. Believe me, this is productive. This keeps you from snarling at your co-workers or significant other, or even feeling even like you have accomplished nothing while still working all day. This is feeding your heart & soul, which in turn you use to feed others.

I used to love finding water (pond, lake or even just a big puddle) and taking off my shoes, rolling up my pants leg and wading through the water. Guess what I am going to do after writing this blog….yep.

Take time for yourself in letting go - not being pampered by others, but pampering yourself by getting back to those things you loved doing as a child when you had no fear!!

Wade in the water and refresh your soul.

Email me your thoughts & stories or just leave me a comment on this one. Would love to hear from you:



Activity as we age - Mental & Physical

