Activity as we age - Mental & Physical

A chicken walks into the room . . . yep, you guessed it, it’s a JOKE. When you hear those first few words, your brain springs into action. The transmission of nerve impulses is a complex one that enlists various brain regions: the frontal lobe, to process the information; the supplementary motor area, to tap learned experience to direct motor activities such as the movements associated with laughter; and the nucleus accumbens, to assess the pleasure of the story and the reward that the “aha!” brings. When the punch line hits home, your heart rate rises, you jiggle with mirth, and your brain releases “feel good” neurotransmitters: dopamine, serotonin, and an array of endorphins.

Jokes work because they defy expectations. After all the neurotransmitters are released and the information remains relevant through the punch line of the joke, the brain shifts its response to its pleasure-and-reward center, which in turn triggers hearty laughter. A hearty laugh of about 20 minutes is said to be as good as an aerobic exercise of 60 minutes. WOW - ok folks start laughing!!

Doctors tell you that exercise is good for your health and depending on capability, age, and other factors, what type of exercise is determined.

Also there is a saying that laughter (now determined an activity) is the best medicine. This was derived from Proverbs 17:22 KJV A merry heart doeth good like a medicine….

I completed 2500 steps.” Yes, I know that is beyond minimal, but for my height of 5’3” that is a little more than a mile. At age 64 I consider that success!

As we age our physical activity dwindles a little for most, but doing what you can with others can also make it fun. There are so many ways to get in some physical activity, besides just working out.

There is a great place in Abilene, Texas for Seniors to get in a little exercise (mental & physical) of their choice; walking, stretching, line dancing, games and more. ROSE PARK SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER / 2625 South 7th Street! Also, you get in a lot of interaction with your peers that just makes it all fun.

You never know, but maybe you will get in a little of the best exercise and the best medicine all in one place -



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