G.R.I.T. Home Care Services, LLC dba Home Instead

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Expressing a Thank You not just verbally…

Thanking our Veterans should be something that comes to us naturally for all they have done for this country and ensuring our freedom.

However, we don’t always recognize when our Veterans have needs of their own. In speaking with some of our Veterans that have come out of war time I have learned that there are occasions where there is physical or mental challenge that is not always seen and they are not sure where to turn to for assistance. Also, not all challenges in day to day living are easily explained or understood, but how could we not do our best to understand and assist with what they have done for us and our country.

Some have sacrificed more than others, but the fact that they stepped up to the plate to serve, no matter the length of time, is more than I myself have done. I, for one, am appreciative and want to find a way to show that appreciation other than “Thank You for your service”. I want them to feel the appreciation.

Now that Home Instead Abilene is a community provider with Veteran Affairs to provide home care services for veterans in Texas (and that includes all of our 14 counties), I have come to realize how many veterans and veteran spouses do not know about benefits available.  Not just for home care services, but for other assistances as well.

So in wanting to assist our veterans I did a little research and contacted several agencies in the counties we serve, so if you don’t find the information you need in one of the websites listed below, please don’t hesitate to reach out and see how we might be of assistance.  (325) 670-0610

For those that have served or are serving our country, along with their spouses that have stood by them, Home Instead would like to say THANK YOU once again and please know how much we appreciate your service for our freedom.

Take a look at the websites listed and I hope this helps you navigate a little smoother when looking for the assistance you might need.






